Bridesmaids – This weeks top 6 favorite images – March 18, 2021

Bridesmaids gather as bride gets ready
Leica M9 + 35mm summilux

A Bride shares a joke with a bridesmaid on her wedding day
Leica M(240) + 35mm summilux

A prayer circle with the bride, bridesmaids and flower girl before her ceremony
Leica M(240) + 21 mm elmer

Bridesmaid greet the bride in a wonderful reaction
Leica M10 + 35mm f2

Bridesmaids and bride walk ceremony
Leica M9 + 50mm Noctilux F2 1/500

Bride steals a glance in the mirror as bridesmaids sit around a table at Ingenhuett on High, Comfort, Texas.
Leica M10 + 35mm f1.4